August Meeting: Legal Pitfalls in Writing Crime Fiction

M.J. Polelle is an emeritus professor of law from the University of Illinois at Chicago, In his academic career he taught, among other courses, trial practice, evidence law, tort law, and constitutional law. He also served as a Special Assistant State’s attorney for Cook County, Illinois and Professor-Reporter for the Illinois Judicial Conference. Before his academic career, he was a civil trial lawyer in Chicago. A resident now of Sarasota, he has completed two novels, THE MITHRAS CONSPIRACY and AMERICAN CONSPIRACY. He is at work on a third.

New Starting Time for Chapter Meetings

Due to travel time issues for some members and officers, the February and March meetings will begin at 1:00 PM with the business meeting. Scheduled programs will follow the business meeting as per normal.

Please check the Calendar page regularly for later meetings and other events the chapter is participating in.