Busy Winter

Bears may hibernate up north, but it’s warm on the Gulf Coast and the chapter is out and about!

December at Books-A-Million: Gwen Mayo, Sarah Glenn, Wendy Dingwall, Janet Heijens, and Cheryl Hollon.

Erin Mitchell shares her knowledge with the chapter.

Sisters signing: Books at Park Place. Susan Klaus, Brenda Spalding, Wendy Dingwall, and Linda Russo.

Cheryl Hollon with guest speaker Patricia Abbott.

Come to our next meeting on March 3rd to see what we’re up to next!


Sisters at the Tampa Bay Times Festival of Reading

Several Sisters attended the Tampa Bay Times Festival of Reading on November 11th. The event was well-organized: there were volunteers everywhere to help us as
needed, and the canopy covers over the booths were welcome when the afternoon
heat struck. We appreciated the opportunity to introduce Sisters in Crime to a
new audience.

Sarah Glenn and Gwen Mayo hung out with the Florida Writers Association.

The Citrus Crime Writers – The Central Florida chapter spread the word about Sisters in Crime and their group.

Cheryl Hollon at the Bouchercon 2018 booth – preview of events to come!

September Meeting

Come to our meeting on September 2nd to meet Nancy Alloy, owner of Books at Park Place in St. Petersburg. Mary has owned her independent bookstore since 2007. She is Indy/Small Publisher friendly, and her store frequently hosts author signing events.

Once upon a time… there were magical kingdoms called “bookstores”. In these places, you could meet old friends, learn new things, and travel to new worlds. The residents of these kingdoms were called “booksellers”. They were experienced guides who liked nothing better than to help visitors on their journeys of exploration.

A place like this still exists!

Happy chapter members at a recent signing event.

Sisters in Crime: Multi-Author Event

Books at Park Place
10468 Roosevelt Blvd N, St Petersburg, FL 33716
Date: Saturday, June 24, 2017
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Writers in attendance will include:

  • Cheryl Hollon, author of Webb’s Glass Shop Mystery Series: Pane and Suffering, Shards of Murder and Cracked to Death. The stories revolve around the adventures of the new proprietor of a St. Petersburg craft-glass shop.
  • Gwen Mayo and Sarah Glenn, authors of the Florida historical mystery, Murder on the Mullet Express.
  • Wendy Dingwall, author of the Florida-based Yvonne Suarez Travel Mysteries including Hera’s Revenge, Celtic Curse and The Toxic Cruise
  • Shannon O. Esposito, author of the St. Petersburg Pet Psychic Series. Titles are: Karma’s a Bitch, Lady Luck Runs Out, and Silence is Golden

This is a great opportunity to partake of some fun, homicidal Florida fun!

Ft. Myers: Sisters at the Reading Festival

The Florida Gulf Coast Sisters in Crime were well-represented at the Southwest Florida Reading Festival this year. Wendy Dingwall, Kait Carson, Maris Soule, Janet Heijens, Sarah Glenn, and Gwen Mayo took rotations at the booth. Many people stopped by, and we introduced the organization to many readers (plus some budding authors!).

The afternoon team.

February Program

The next chapter meeting is this Saturday, February 4th, at the North Sarasota Library. The library is located at:

2801 Newtown Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34234

The presenter is Harriet Hendel of the Innocence Project. Ms. Hendel is a retired educator with more than 30 years of experience teaching learning-disabled students in New York and New Jersey. Now retired, she divides her year between New York and Sarasota, Florida. She is very active in both communities. She has taught creative writing at Green Haven Correctional Facility in New York and several courses on prison literature through Brandeis National Committee and the University of South Florida for Lifelong Learning.

“Mysteries to Die for” – An Inspire Sarasota Event

The Friends of the Selby Public Library and the Sisters in Crime (Florida Gulf Coast chapter) invite you to Mysteries to Die For. This wine and cheese costume event features New York Times best-selling author – and latent print examiner for the City of Cape Coral, Florida’s police department – Lisa Black.  Lisa will present her approach to what makes a great crime novel, and will then chair a panel featuring four popular Florida mystery writers: Wendy Dingwall, Shannon Esposito, Cheryl Hollon, and Susan Santangelo.

Join us at 6PM on October 28th in the Jack J. Geldbart Auditorium at the Selby Library. Plan to dress as your favorite mystery character, mingle with local mystery authors and participate in fundraising activities! Book sales and signing to follow.

Contact Marilyn Nykiforuk at 941-861-1133 to register for this special event.

Sarasota Sizzled with Mysteries!

Saturday was a busy day for the chapter. Two events at two locations = twice the action!


Wendy Dingwall got things started at the Barnes and Noble signing.

BNSarasotaEvent  BNSarasotaLineupKlaus

Barnes and Noble posted videos of the action on their Twitter feed:


Janet Heijens addresses the audience.

Meanwhile, at the Gulf Gate Library, Adult Services Coordinator Ellen India welcomed the workshop visitors.


Sarah Glenn did a short talk on the uses of dialogue, then Louise Titchener led a ‘hands on’ workshop on the nuts and bolts of writing dialogue.


Brenda Spaulding and other Sisters displayed their wares in the next room.



Suncoast News Network covered the Gulf Gate event.

Meanwhile, Barnes and Noble continued to LiveTweet videos from the store.


SaveBNSarasotaLineupKlaus…and a good time was had by all!






